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Healing Trauma Through Music Practice 1

David Anglin

When done right music really can heal the soul, and the mind too.

Our healing trauma through music practice sessions, is us taking what we are renowned for doing on our Red Light Busking music studio project and bringing this method of music healing for you to use online. To learn more about our project please click here.


Task - So we want you to listen to the above instrumental and write song lyrics to it based on the following scenario:

  • A time recently when you’ve felt really down, focusing on the reason why you felt down, and what you would say to yourself to get yourself back in good spirits.


  • The song lyrics you write can be 8 bars, 16 bars or to fill the verse of this song it will be 29 bars.

    • The verse for the instrumental starts at 0.53 seconds

    • To count bars means counting each time the beat of the song repeats here's an example click here

Lastly for those who need an example of potential lyrics for the instrumental here is something put together by David Anglin

I wanna be flying 

But my heart won’t let me, it be lying 

Thoughts of us not trying 

Got me really low

Have you seen a rose in no light, 

Wither like the big boss of Smithers 

You told me we can fly so high

Guess we ain’t got wings 

cause we earth bound 

I wanna really make it work

But reflections of me won’t be pleased

So I’m at where I’m at and you’re at too

What’s my purpose

Life seems filled with these mysteries 

that I just can’t seem to figure out 

So how can I saw high

If I’m so low

If you'd like to share with us what you have come up with please scroll to the bottom of the page and leave us a comment sharing your work, as we would love to see what ideas you come up with.

Lastly if you've enjoyed this exercise, then please consider making a donation to our project so that we can continue on in running our music studio project for young people known to the care system and criminal justice system.


And for your enjoyment here's a song by one of our performers, this one really touches the core... ✨


These ebooks below gives a thought provoking look into the care and criminal justice system. This book is good for those wanting to develop trauma informed practice. Only £1 Today. 


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